Pairing: McKay/Sheppard
Rating: PG-13 for strong language
Spoilers: This is a "Common Ground" coda, so absolutely for the episode
Notes: Written for the SGA flashfiction Mission Report Challenge.
Thank you to maverick4oz for everything from giving me the bunny (she's evil like that, let me tell you) to reading, betaing and staying up way past the time her eyes were ready to close to help this story happen.
In making this as realistic to an instant message converstation as I could, there are some intentional typos within this story.
Summary: I have the file open. Name, rank, serial #, date, location and blood type all filled in.
If I was writing this out, I'd have all my pencils sharpened and in a row.
That bad?
That bad.
[27:55 J.Sheppard has logged on]R.McKay
While poignant and oddly fitting, symbolically, playing Solitaire is not a substitute for writing your mission report27:55J.Sheppard
Please tell me you're not hacking my laptop.27:56R.McKay
Oh yes, when I formatted it for you last week, I installed a literal spyware. I do have better things to do with my valuable time than to monitor your computer activities. Requisition forms and Myst don't interest me much.
Although I do find the page of hyphenated names oddly endearing. I prefer McKay to be listed first, of course.27:57J.Sheppard
Tapping into the security system?27:57
Very funny, McKay.27:58R.McKay
I can only imagine what gestures accompanied that question. I almost wish I was.27:58
So how is the report27:59J.Sheppard
how'd you know I was playing Solitaire?27:59R.McKay
coming along? It's been 2 hours.
Genius, remember?27:59J.Sheppard
I have the file open. Name, rank, serial #, date, location and blood type all filled in.
If I was writing this out, I'd have all my pencils sharpened and in a row00:00R.McKay
That bad?00:00J.Sheppard
That bad.
Two hours?00:01R.McKay
I've been gone a little over two hours now, yes. When I left, you were gung-ho about getting the thing typed up and done. Tonight.00:01J.Sheppard
That was the plan. The reality is not so much and definitely that bad.00:02
Any suggestions, Professor?00:03R.McKay
Ha. Be glad you're not one of my students. I'll tell you what I'd tell them. Bullet point/outline the main points and connect the dots.
I cleaned up the language from what I would have told them00:03J.Sheppard
You really are a romantic Rodney00:04R.McKay
Of course I am.
Got harpooned. Taken hostage. Saw a ghost that wasn't and was even uglier than I remembered. Talked philosophy. Got beat up. Plotted 18 ways to kill Kolya with a shoe lace and one of those stupid Genii hats. Starred in a bad horror movie complete with bad dialogue, cheap sets and a lot of pain and life sucking.00:05R.McKay
The bad horror movie was no treat from this end, either00:07J.Sheppard
I read Elizabeth's report00:07R.McKay
She's already filed hers? Showoff00:08J.Sheppard
how's your stomach?00:09R.McKay
She included that???00:10J.Sheppard
No cArson told
Or Carson, rather00:10R.McKay
It's fine. Honest. Carson gave me something for it and the pain's mostly gone. He suggested less stress, less coffee and more sleep. As if I can just snap my fingers. I'm almost completely recovered now that there's not as much to worry about00:11
You were on a roll. Keep going with the report.00:12J.Sheppard
more playing the human punching bag. did some Godot with a Wraith. More life sucking. More Godot while my joints ached and bones dried up. Rewrote my will in my head. Teyla's getting my guitar. You get War & Peace, the Man in Black and Speed Racer, btw. Ronon's still getting the other board. And the skateboard. I didn't thik you'd mind. Speed Racer's all yours.
think you'd mind. Must be more tired than I thought.00:14R.McKay
No, it's yours. This does not need to be discussed right now, last I checked, you are very much alive.00:15J.Sheppard
We should take the boards out sometime soon. We haven't done that in a while.00:15R.McKay
You should really come with inertial dampeners for your subject changes tonight.
We were discussing your report00:16J.Sheppard
I could hear that snapping from here.00:17R.McKay
how about tomorrow.
Stop grinning and write. The sooner you finish, the sooner I can sleep.00:17J.Sheppard
Plotted The Great Escape, ended up in The Defiant Ones.00:17
Threw knives. Even Ronon would've been impressed00:18R.McKay
He's set the bar pretty high00:19J.Sheppard
Seriously, it was beautiful. I coulda been a contender. Got lost. Got my life sucked and spit back out again. Got rescued. Went home00:20R.McKay
There you go.00:20J.Sheppard
Think Elizabeth would take that as my report?00:21R.McKay
So how's your important work in the lab coming along?00:24R.McKay
Radek's latest reports seem to indicate that we are indeed surrounded by idiots00:24J.Sheppard
I see we're on the Nobel track tonight.00:24R.McKay
Keep that up and I'll give your icon to Lorne00:25J.Sheppard
Which is?
Hey, this is cool.
Try giving it to Lorne and I'll just order him to give it to me.00:25R.McKay
Yes sir, Colonel.
And, for you information, the Nobel Prize didn't work. It just looked like a gold dot.
This looked best.
That would be for *your* information00:26J.Sheppard
I'm still not joining.00:26
I hate writing reports.00:33R.McKay
now you really are starting to sound like one of my students.
and don't you dare reference van halen00:34J.Sheppard
oh, hey, when are you getting your stripes?00:35R.McKay
I heard you gave a rousing speech to the troops before the rescue mission. And you gave me credit as inspiration. I'm touched, Patton.00:36R.McKay
Touched in the head, maybe.00:36J.Sheppard
You really know how to make a guy feel loved00:37R.McKay
You knew we would, right? Look for you. I... We… Stupid fcuking Genii and their warehouses. We looked, kept looking. God damn Kolya.
*fucking. Fuck.00:37J.Sheppard
I knew. Thank you.00:38R.McKay
We were always coming for you00:38J.Sheppard
I know00:38R.McKay
They've learned a thing or two since the days of unlocked secret underground bunkers.00:39J.Sheppard
I meant it earlier. Thanks for showing up. i knew you would, but thank you for actually doing it.00:39R.McKay
You're part of my team. We don't leave anyone behind. See? I do listen to you00:40J.Sheppard
Yes you do00:40
Having any luck?00:51J.Sheppard
No. Can't I just turn in the video, prof? Please? It's all on tape.00:52R.McKay
1) No. That wasn't the assignment, Mr. Sheppard. This isn't a multi-media class. 2) Kolya's broadcasts weren't exactly Michael Moore-quality exposes, there's a lot not on that tape 3) I'm not the one making you write it. Take your senioritis-afflicted whining to Elizabeth. She's just going to tell you to suck it up.00:53
Suddenly, this isn't so funny anymore.00:54
John? Seriously, I'm sorry.00:58J.Sheppard
I'm here. Just needeThe laptop froze on me for a minute there.00:59R.McKay
Isn't that one of the new ones that
Fuck the report.01:02J.Sheppard
I do have some standards, McKay. And the papercuts...01:02R.McKay
You'd almost be funny if the report wasn't completely written, sent and filed over the computer, and hence paperless.
I'm serious, John. You need sleep01:03J.Sheppard
This is one time Elizabeth won't be expecting a report on her desk first thing. Let yourself off the hook and close the file. We'll work on it in the morning.01:04J.Sheppard
Almost done w your genius stuff?01:04R.McKay
Never, but such is the life of a genius. Always more to do. Enough for tonight, tho. Already powered down the equip and m heading out now.01:05J.Sheppard
and thanks01:05R.McKay
need anything from the mess/01:05J.Sheppard
Nope. M good.01:06R.McKay
Be home in few.01:06
[01:07 R.McKay has logged off]
Additional note: Rodney's newly created icon is the symbol for Mensa. A little nod to "The Brotherhood" and "Coup D'Etat".
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